Monday, September 6, 2010

L.A. Final Review, Part 2

Your language arts final is divided into 7 sections.

Section 1: Spelling words. I have chosen 20 different spelling words from Term 3. You will need to spell them correctly.

Section 2: Fill-in-the-blank. Using the spelling words from section one, you will need to fill in the blanks so that the sentences make sense. (10 questions)

Section 3: Contractions. There are ten contractions on your exam. I wrote the original words, and you need to write the contraction.

Section 4: Subject/Verb agreement. In this section, I wrote sentences. I give you the choice between TWO verbs. You need to pick the correct verb, the one that matches the subject. (10 questions)

Section 5: Verb Tense. You need to pick the correct tense of the verb. You will have two choices. (5 questions)

Section 6: There are five sentences that have no capitalization or punctuation. You need to re-write them so they have correct capitalization and punctuation.

Section 7: Dialogue. I've written dialogue. You need to re-write it correctly, using quotation marks, commas, periods, and other necessary punctuation.

Your spelling words and dialogue/capitalization review have already been posted.

I am going to post the reviews for everything else now.

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