Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just for Mateo and Antonia

Thanks for using the blog, Mateo and Antonia!
Mateo, Here is the blog post you wanted:http://hoyengradoquinto.blogspot.com/2010/09/answers-to-la-review.html. You can also find old posts if you look on the right side of the webpage under "Blog Archives."Also, I just posted a new "second journal question" below. Don't worry about the narrator--although your book DOES have a narrator. We will talk about narrators tomorrow, okay?

Antonia, if you have any more questions tonight, just send me an email. If you study the questions that you did today AND what I put on the blog, you should do really well on your exam.

For the rest of the class, if you need anything, you can send me an email or write a comment. Just be sure to check for an answer because I should write you back really fast!!!


antonia said...

miss melody i need to choose the second journal?? i am confusing or you can expline that??

Miss Melody said...

Antonia, the first time I posted the journal questions, question #2 was about narrators. We didn't talk enough about narrators in class, so I felt the question was unfair. Instead, I would like you to answer the new question #2, which is about setting. Okay?

antonia said...

okay miss melody thank..... bye see you tomorrow

Anonymous said...

hi miss melody....

i have a question about the project of the book...

all the journals we had to write are in the computer or in the notebook?

you can explain that to me...

Miss Melody said...
