Monday, September 6, 2010

Journals for Book Report

If you haven't already, you should read all the posts before this about your L.A. final. There are a LOT of posts, so make sure you read through them until you have finished all of them. (I think there are around 10 posts.)

For your book report, here are the journal questions. You should TYPE THIS ON A COMPUTER and print it. Bring me the printed copy. I do not want you to email it to me.

You need to write at least twelve sentences.

Question 1: In your story, who is the protagonist? Who is the antagonist? What are the characters like?

Question 2: What is the narrator of your story like? Is it a third person or first person narrator? Do you like the narrator? Why or why not?

Question 3: What is the main conflict of your story? What is the climax? What is the resolution (the end)?

Question 4: Did you like your book? Why or why not? What did you like? What did you not like? Would you recommend your book to a friend.


antonia said...

miss melody in the first journal for the book is all the character or only de protagonist and the antagonist

Miss Melody said...

Antonia, you should talk about the protagonist and antagonist first. IF you want to talk about the other characters you can when you have finished talking about the protagonist and antagonist.