An educated guess we make about something we have observed. It is the second step of the scientific method. We can test it with an experiment.
2. What is the scientific method?
A series of steps scientists use to answer questions they have about the world and the universe.
3. The scientific method, in order.
1. Observe and ask questions. 2. Make a hypothesis. 3. Plan an experiment. 4. Do an experiment. 5. Make conclusions about your experiment.
4. What is a moon?
A natural body that revolves around a planet.
5. What is our moon like?
Almost no atmosphere, little gravity, made of aluminum, oxygen, silicone, and iron.
6. Why do we live on Earth and not the moon?
The moon does not have an atmosphere or water, it is cold, and we would not be able to grow food.
7. How are the Earth and the moon the same?
They have craters.
8. How are the Earth and the moon different?
Earth has an atmosphere, more gravity, lots of water, seasons, people, and life.
9. When did astronauts walk on the moon?
1969 to 1972
10. How long does it take the moon to rotate around Earth?
29 and half days
11. What is a moon phase?
the different shapes of the moon that we see from Earth
12. What is the universe?
Everything. Gas, dust, stars, planets, solar systems...
13. What is at the center of our solar system?
our Sun
14. What is gravity?
a force created by objects that holds things down, like planets hold us down, and the Sun holds the planets
15. What is a nebula?
where a star is born, the center of a galaxy, AND usually an old star that collapsed
16. What is the life of a star like?
First it is born in a nebula. It is very hot, very small, and blue or white, when it is a baby. Then it becomes larger and more yellow. It is not as hot. Then it grows and grows into a giant red sun called a red giant. Then, it explodes as a supernova. Supernova can become black holes or nebulas.
17. How old is our sun?
it is a middle aged star, 4.57 billion years old
18. What is light?
a type of radiation energy that is radiation, we can feel it and see it
19. How long does it take light to reach the Earth from the sun?
8 minutes
20. Why should we wear white on a very hot day?
because white things reflect light and keep us cool, but dark things absorb heat from the sun
21. Why can we see things?
because light bounces off of them (reflection)
22. Draw a picture of the solar system with the sun, moon, asteroid belt, and all the planets.
23. What is conservation?
protecting and preserving the environment
24. What is pollution?
contamination of the environment
25. What does it mean to reduce?
use less
26. What does it mean to recycle?
make soemthing new from something old
27. What does it mean to reuse?
use again
28. What are cells?
the building blocks of life
29. What things are made of cells?
animals and plants, so things like juice, food, trees, dogs, cats, us
30. What are the two types of cells?
plant cells and animals cells
31. Why do plant cells have a cell wall but animal cells do not?
because animals have skeletons to give them structure but plant cells do not
32. Draw and label a plant.
33. How do parts of a plant help each other?
The leaves make food during photosynthesis, the stem stores water and food, transports nutrients and water to the leaves, and holds the leaves up to the sunlight. The roots absorb water and nutrients and keep the plant in the ground.
34. Explain all the steps of photosynthesis.
First animals make carbon dioxide. The plant absorbs sunglight, water in the ground, and carbon dioxide from animals. It then goes through the process of transpiration and makes food in the cholorplasts, which are in plant cells inside the leaves. The process of transpiration releases water and oxygen into the air, so people can breathe.
35. Why do plants need photosynthesis?
For food
36. Why do plants need us?
for carbon dioxide
37. Why do we need plants?
for oxygen and food
38. What is an ecosystem?
A place where plants and animals live together and depend on each other
39. Describe one type of ecosystem. (see your book) Answers will be different for each person, but the types of ecosystems are tropical rain forest, decidious forest, desert, grassland, taiga, and tundra.
40. What is a renewable resource?
A resource we can use again and again in a human lifetime, like water, air, wind, or sunlight. Plants and animals are renewable.
41. What is a nonrenewable resource?
A resource we cannot replace in a human lifetime, like coal, natural gas, or oil.
42. What is a fossil fuel?
A resource in the ground that we get because animals and plants absorbed solar energy millions of years ago, and when they died that solar energy became oil, carbon, and natural gas.
43. What is energy?
the ability to change matter
44. What is kinetic energy?
moving energy
45. What is potential energy?
the possibility of energy
46. What is mechanical energy?
kinetic and potential energy
47. What is chemical energy?
energy from a chemical reaction, like fire
48. What is solar energy?
energy from the sun
49. What is heat?
the transfer of thermal energy between objects that are different temperatures
50. What is electricity?
energy from moving electrons
51. What is static electricity?
potential electricity, like lightning
52. What is current electricity?
electricity that flows
53. What happens when heat is transferred through convection?
the heat moves through air or liquid
54. What happens when heat is transferred through conduction?
the heat moves through objects touching each other
55. What four types of energy can electricity become?
heat, light, sound, and mechanical energy
56. Describe an electron. What is it like? What does it do?
It is always moving, it is crazy, it is really fast, and it likes to move to different atoms.
57. Draw and label an atom.
nucleus has protons and neutrons and there is an electron cloud on the outside
58. Draw an electric current.
flowing line
59. What is the difference between an insulator and a conductor?
insulators keep electricity from moving, conductors help it move
60. How can we protect the environment?
Conserve and protect it, conserve natural resources, use renewable resources for energy like wind and sunlight, reuse, reduce, and recycle materials.
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