Today you are going to learn about the ORIGINAL Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
The first person who made a list of "wonders of the world" were two guys in Greece named Philon and Antipater. (Weird names, right?) They basically wrote a "travel guide" for the ancient world. Kind of like a guidebook you might buy if you were traveling in another country, but very old.
Anyway, these guys were living near the Mediterranean Sea, in Greece. It's here:

See that purple country on the water named Greece? That's where those guys lived. They didn't travel to many places except places near the Mediterranean Sea.
Anyway, these "wonders" were like landmarks, or famous places, that were really important to the people who built them. They were usually monuments, like the St. Louis Arch or the statue of Simon Bolivar in Plaza de Bolivar.
Originally, these were the seven:
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Lighthouse in Alexandria
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
See that purple country on the water named Greece? That's where those guys lived. They didn't travel to many places except places near the Mediterranean Sea.
Anyway, these "wonders" were like landmarks, or famous places, that were really important to the people who built them. They were usually monuments, like the St. Louis Arch or the statue of Simon Bolivar in Plaza de Bolivar.
Originally, these were the seven:
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Lighthouse in Alexandria
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
For homework today, you need to read and listen to an article about the Seven Wonders of the World. To do this homework, you will have to go to a DIFFERENT website.
Here is the website:
Or you can click here: Seven Wonders of the World.
You should read the WHOLE article, but while you are reading it, you need to LISTEN to it, too. To listen, you should press the play button (little triangle) at the top of the page.
When you are finished reading, you need to answer the questions below. You should turn your answers in on a piece of lined paper. (Don't do this in your notebook!)
1. Why aren't any of the original seven wonders of the world in South America?
2. Why wasn't the Great Wall of China one of the seven wonders of the world?
3. What is the only original wonder that we can still see today?
4. What happened to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
5. What was the lighthouse in Alexandria used for?
Okay, please answer these questions! Good luck!
1 comment:
hi teacher i am pablo you can say fir when and which are the howeworks of this week because i dont copy
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