Your reading final has 5 parts. The first part is vocabulary matching. The second part is true/false questions about fiction. The third part is matching book titles to their genre. The fourth part is short answer questions about the books we have read/are reading. You also have to draw the plot time line. The last section is a reading section with multiple choice questions and short answer questions to answer over the reading. The reading is from our book, Matilda. I will give you a copy and I will read it to you, too.
To study, you should know the definitions for these words:
a. Author
b. Setting
c. Protagonist
d. Antagonist
e. Characters
f. Dialogue
g. Plot
h. Conflict
i. Climax
j. Resolution
k. Narrator
l. Fiction
Try to match them to these definitions:
1. _____________________The main character in the story.
2. _____________________A story that is not real.
3. _____________________People, animals, or objects that do things in a story.
4. ____________________ Events and things that happen in the story, like the conflict, climax and resolution.
5. ____________________ The person who is causing problems for the main character.
6. ____________________ The main problem of the story.
7. ____________________ The place and time of the story.
8. ____________________ The person who tells the story.
9. ____________________ The most intense part of the story, where the conflict reaches its peak.
10. ____________________ The end of the story.
11. ____________________ Conversation in the story.
12. ____________________ The person who wrote the story.
Your true/false questions are about fiction. Here are some practice questions.
13. True/False: Sheila is both the antagonist and protagonist in the story Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great.
14. True/False: Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots is an action story, a mystery story, and a scary story.
15. True/False: The protagonist of a story can be a murderer as long as he is the main character.
16. True/False: The climax is the beginning of the book.
You need to know different types of genres. Try to come up with titles of books (real or not) that would be each genre...
You should be able to draw the plot time line.
*****In our timelines, "exposition" is introduction!! : )
This is a time line of the conflict, or action, that takes place in the story.
You also need to write 5 sentences that explain one of the books we read this term... you can write about Matilda, Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots, or Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great.
Try answering these questions:
1. Why do the 3rd graders at Bailey Elementary think Ms. Jeepers is a vampire?
2. What is Sheila afraid of?
3. Why is Matilda special?
The last section is based on how much you understand when you read. To practice, you should read some books on Raz-Kids.
If you have questions, you can email me or post comments. I'll put the answers up at 6:30 or 7:00.
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