Dear 5th grade students,
Hello! Hola! Okay, my muchachos, I have made a website called a blog for our class. I am going to post what we do in class on this website. I am also going to write your homework on here (so if you forget to write it in your communication notebook, you can check it on this website). Also, I will post study guides and advice (called tips) on here to help you study for quizzes, tests, and exams. Sometimes I will post the answers to your homework.
You need to check this website every day. If you miss school because you are sick or traveling, you can find out what we did in class here.
Also, if you have a question about your homework or something we learn in class, you can leave a comment and I will answer you. To leave a comment, click on "comment" under the post. Just write your question or idea there. I will check it and write back. You can also email me from this site.
So, are you excited? This should make everything easier! If you want to, you can go to this website, www.spanishdict.com, and paste what I write into the translator.
Tomorrow I am going to post an extra credit activity on the website, so make sure you check the website tomorrow!
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Miss Melody

Excelente Trabajo y respaldo para padres!! Gracias! Mariela Barros
I tink that this page is nice...
this page will help everyone in the classroom...
thank youuuu
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