Monday, November 1, 2010

Language Arts Update

Hi class.

Tomorrow the only thing you have due is your 5 paragraph ROUGH DRAFT essay about art. It can be in your notebook, it can be typed, it doesn't matter. It's just a rough draft. We'll work on them at school.

The final draft is due on Thursday and the presentation is on Friday.

For your book report, here are the journal questions. I will give you a copy of the questions and the worksheet you need to do for the book report this week.

ournal Questions

Directions: Please TYPE or WRITE the answers to your journals on a separate piece of paper. Do not write these in your notebooks. Do not write them on PowerPoint. Write them on lined paper with good handwriting or type them in Microsoft Word using 12 point font. Do not email them to me. These are due on Monday, November 8th. Each journal entry should be 15 sentences.

Journal question 1:
At the beginning of the book, what is happening? What do you think will happen next? What do you think will happen at the end?

Journal question 2:
Who are the main characters in the book? What do they act like? Do you like the main characters? Why or why not?

Journal question 3:
In class in Term 3, we talked about “rising action” that leads to the climax and then the resolution. Make a time-line of your book that shows the introduction of the problem, the rising action, the climax, and the resolution. Include at least 10 events.

Journal question 4:
If you could change something about your book, what would you change? Why?

Journal question 5:
Draw a picture of something that happens in your book. Explain what is happening. (This journal only needs 5 sentences.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

teacher the essay about art is of the artist that we have??